
function of dascore.utils.time source

    obj: int | float | str | numpy.datetime64 | pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp | numpy.ndarray[int, float, str, datetime64, Timestamp, ndarray] ,

Convert an object to a datetime64.

This function accepts a wide range of inputs and returns something of the same shape, but converted to numpy’s datetime64 representation.


Parameter Description
obj An object to convert to a datetime64. If a string is passed, it
should conform to ISO 8601.
Floats and integers are interpreted as seconds from Jan 1st, 1970.
Arrays and Series of floats or strings are also supported.


import numpy as np
import dascore as dc

# Convert an iso 8601 string to datetime64
dt_1 = dc.to_datetime64('2017-09-17T12:11:01.23212')

# Convert a time stamp (seconds from 1970) to datetime64
dt_2 = dc.to_datetime64(631152000.0)

# Convert an array of time stamps to datetime64
timestamp_array = np.random.uniform(1704400000, 1704900000)
dt_array = dc.to_datetime64(timestamp_array)