
module of dascore.proc source

Basic operations for patches.


Name Description
abs Take the absolute value of the patch data.
angle Return a new patch with the phase angles from the data array.
apply_operator Apply a ufunc-type operator to a patch.
dropna Return a patch with nullish values dropped along dimension.
equals Determine if the current patch equals another.
imag Return a new patch with the imaginary part of the data array.
normalize Normalize a patch along a specified dimension.
pipe Pipe the patch to a function.
real Return a new patch with the real part of the data array.
set_dims Set dimension to non-dimensional coordinate.
squeeze Return a new object with len one dimensions flattened.
standardize Standardize data by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance.
transpose Transpose the data array to any dimension order desired.
update Return a copy of the Patch with updated data, coords, dims, or attrs.
update_attrs Update attrs and return a new Patch.