
module of dascore source

A module for applying transformation to Patches.

Transforms are defined as


Name Description
dft Perform the discrete Fourier transform (dft) on specified dimension(s).
differentiate Calculate first derivative along dimension(s) using centeral diferences.
dispersion_phase_shift Compute dispersion images using the phase-shift method.
idft Perform the inverse discrete Fourier transform (idft) on specified dimension(s).
integrate Integrate along a specified dimension using composite trapezoidal rule.
rfft Perform a real fourier transform along the specified dimension.
spectrogram Calculate a spectrogram from the patch data.
velocity_to_strain_rate Convert velocity das data to strain rate.


Name Description
dispersion Dispersion computation using the phase-shift (Park et al., 1999) method.
fft Deprecated module for Fourier transforms. Use
fourier Module for Fourier transforms.
spectro Module to transform a Patch into spectrograms.
strain Transformations to strain rates.
integrate Module for performing integration on patches.
differentiate Module for performing differentiation on patches.