
method of dascore.core.coordmanager.CoordManager source

    self ,
    array: None = None,
    relative = False,
    samples = False,
    **kwargs ,
)-> ‘tuple[Self, MaybeArray]’

Perform selection on coordinates.

Any dimension name can be passed as key, and the values can be: - a Slice or a tuple of (min, max) for that dimension. None and … both indicate open intervals. - an array of values to select, which must be a subset of the coordinate array. - an array of booleans of the same length as the coordinate where True indicates values to keep.


Parameter Description
array An array to which the selection will be applied.
relative If True, coordinate updates are relative. Does nothing if values
passed are numpy arrays.
samples If True, the query meaning is in samples.
**kwargs Used to specify dimension and select arguments.
See also CoordManager.order.